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Per year in a sentence

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Sentence count:254+8Posted:2018-04-04Updated:2020-07-24
Similar words: year after yearyesteryearsolar yearcalendar yearevery yearfrom year to yearyear by yearmake every effortMeaning: adv. by the year; every year (usually with reference to a sum of money paid or received). 
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(91) These would provide accident and emergency service for everyone at a given sum per year and meet certain quality criteria. 2.
(92) At least five new engines and one ladder truck are needed per year for the subsequent three years, they said.
(93) Maximum use of biomass, plus market-driven energy efficiency, still produced 5 million tonnes of carbon per year.
(94) Now, more than 100 banks across the country supply 40,000 corneas per year.
(95) The Weather Communications Aviation Service starts at just £100 per year for a personal telephone service.
(96) It is well to remember that Susanna Jennens with her £300 per year was not extremely wealthy.
(97) San Pablo, an 850-acre reservoir and recreation area, receives nearly 400, 000 visitors per year, most who fish.
(98) The tutor was, who embalmed 2,500 cases per year and also ran a hairdressing business.
(99) Caring for the park's swans is a costly business - roughly $26,600 per year.
(100) loan sharks who exploit the poor by charging up to 1000% interest per year.
(101) The Congressional Budget Office, an independent adviser to Congress,( had recently forecast growth of around 2.6 percent per year.
(102) For example, some gain-sharing plans will pay out at a higher percentage per year than we assumed.
(103) Since the early 1970s the incidence of breast cancer has increased by about 1% per year.
(104) During the period 1990-90, urban areas expanded at the rate of 11,000 ha per year.
(105) The workers in the study sample had average earnings of about $ 6, 600 per year in 1967.
(106) His $ 750,000 signing bonus was spread over three years at $ 250,000 per year.
(107) There are 115,000 deaths per year caused by exposure to computers and photocopiers?
(107) is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find excellent sentences for a large number of words.
(108) Some local real estate developers think the 200 to 300 homes per year estimate is unrealistic.
(109) Between 1952 and 1981 electricity generating capacity grew by over 14% per year.
(110) Even at the present level, direct federal allocations represent about $ 1. 65 per year for each illiterate.
(111) But the system is so unstable that governments have resigned, on average, once per year throughout the period.
(112) But the rate of growth was already slowing from 2.4 % per year down to 1.8 % in the 1990s.
(113) The actual saving, they claim, would be around 1.5 billion dollars per year.
(114) The sea is advancing on parts of Norfolk's coastline at the rate of one foot per year.
(115) The price for home delivery will remain at $ 175 per year.
(116) Each academy has at least one integrated project per year that combines the career theme with the separate academic subjects.
(117) Staff are entitled to 24 working days holiday per year in addition to double time for each statutory holiday worked.
(118) Another suggestion to remove doors on landfill unloading carts saved the department $ 750, 000 per year.
(119) Consider public housing and welfare, which between them cost us roughly $ 30 billion per year.
(120) In the forty-one with faster population growth, incomes per person fell by an average of 1. 25 percent per year.
More similar words: year after yearyesteryearsolar yearcalendar yearevery yearfrom year to yearyear by yearmake every effortbleary-eyedyearyearsyearnnew yearyear-endtwo-yearyearlyyear endyearn fornew year'smidyearthis yeargoodyearyearlongtwo-year-oldeach yearleap yearlast yeartwo year oldyearlingyearbook
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